Do's and Don'ts When in Germany

More often than not, it is said that the Germans are a little difficult to comprehend. While that might not be true for all the people, it still holds some value. In general, the people in Germany are orderly in nature and appreciate a reasonable level of etiquettes as well as courteousness even from the visitors. Hence, as an outsider, it is important for you to understand the nuances of the German style of life! So, here’s presenting to you, a guide comprising of things to do in Germany , in order to be respected as a traveler. Germans are highly formal in nature, at least in the beginning. Hence, if you’ve just come to know somebody, it is highly advisable that you address them by their last name, ideally prefixed by Mr. or Mrs. or as the Germans say it, Herr or Frau. Unless specially asked to, refrain from calling acquaintances by their first name. Germans like to spend their way in a pre-planned and organized manner. It is for this reason that you must ensure stric...